What is UP MBBS?

The UP Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Society, or UP MBBS, is the only student organization that is based in the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (NIMBB) in the College of Science. It takes pride in spreading the knowledge and promoting research in the field of MBB, as well as providing a venue for scientific cooperation for the students. However, there’s more to UP MBBS than its long and intimidating name. Aside from fulfilling its duties as an academic organization, UP MBBS also holds activities that ensure the well-rounded development of the members. Either in academics, sports, entertainment and other extra-curricular activities, UP MBBS is sure to excel.

Brief History

The UP Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Society dates back to 1987, when it was founded as the UP Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Undergraduate Society (UP MBBUS). However, it was only in 1995 that the organization was recognized as an established organization by the College of Science. On that same year, the organization was nominated by the CS administration as one of the Most Outstanding College Organizations. Upholding the legacy, the UP MBBS of the present is one of most accomplished CS organizations – participating actively in all college-wide activities and competitions, and consistently snagging various awards year after year. For the academic year, 2010-2011, UP Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Society was awarded with the title, Best College of Science Organization during the recent College of Science General Assembly, upholding its legacy of excellence.